The purpose of web marketing is to take an appropriate approach to potential customers online and sell your products. Just like offline marketing, you can increase customer attraction by using ads that pique their interest, and increase repeat customer rates by providing attentive customer service.
However, in web marketing, it is important to choose the appropriate communication method according to the rules of the web. Specific methods will be explained later.
How it differs from traditional marketing
The biggest difference between traditional marketing and web marketing is that it places emphasis on objective data, utilizing a variety of indicators such as the employment data age, gender, place of residence, and behavioral patterns of potential customers.
Quantitative analysis has become possible because the spread of marketing tools has made it possible to measure things like website access analysis and customer actions on social media. As long as marketers have analytical skills, they can carry out efficient web marketing without having to outsource to a research company as in the past.
The Importance of Web Marketing
Japan’s EC market continues to grow. Now that online sales have become essential for many companies, it is becoming increasingly important to incorporate web marketing.
Another reason why web marketing is important is that it is easy to measure the effectiveness and make improvements, leading to results. While it can be difficult to 12 ways to attract customers to visit your website measure the effectiveness of offline measures, online measures allow for quantitative analysis. In addition, it can be started immediately with a low budget, so it is suitable for any business scale.
What you need to do to start web marketing
Before you decide how to do your web marketing, you need to decide who you want to target and what your objectives are.
Understanding the current situation and prioritizing
First, you need to analyze the current situation. Analyze the data by dividing it into actions from customer awareness to purchase and contract. Specifically, look at the number of website visits and purchase rate. Next, identify which steps have issues and set priorities for what to tackle.
If you focus on each indicator without making these preparations, you will run the risk of making the wrong decision. Start by collecting data as necessary, and understand the overall current situation and set priorities.
Determine purpose and persona (target)
Once you have grasped the current situation and decided on the priorities, the next step is to set the objectives and personas (targets). For example, even if you hin directory are renewing your website, the measures you take will be different depending on whether you want to increase the rate at which customers are attracted or increase the repeat rate of existing customers. Make sure you clearly define your objectives.
Once the purpose is clear, it is time to consider specific measures, and in order to formulate a strategy, it is necessary to define a persona. For example.