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Logistics app to ensure good price and good quality?

  • Carrier’s journey report: driver’s trips from start to finish are record, all important data is collect, insurance will be app to ensure confirm and stored by the Administrator.
  • Fuel Consumption and Usage Management: Based on the number of vehicles running, the fuel consumption of each vehicle is fully recorded. Besides, all management activities such as requested services, pollution checks etc. are stored and monitored by the administrator.

 Functions for transportation service providers

  • Register an account: Create an account, select an account type and log in with your Email or Facebook account.
  •  Request Management: status will be track and process.
  • Shipper information analysis: information about the shipper such as name, address, contact phone number, current location, and invoice will be analyze and store.

Requests created by users along with their shipment

  • Transportation conduit cn cell phone number list process details: costs arising from insurance, fuel, freight or cargo weight and other arising costs will be analyzed and stored on the system.
  • Route & Navigation:  the app to ensure system will determine the required route and plan the shipping route for the shipment. This feature will help the administrator and the customer to track the shipping route.
  • Payment of fees: The form of payment made by the user is online payment or in cash.

 Additional functions if necessary

  • Ranking and points used for drivers participating in transportation.
  • Change & calculate shipping routes and track changed fuel amounts.
  • Information about gas stations along the route.
  • Chat: helps to directly exchange and maintain connection with consumers, update customer care services.

With the help of GPS

  • Delivery Statistics: This feature helps to track the driver’s performance and allows for task assignment, when identify the questions asked around your main themes the specifi task is complete. Thus, it helps to increase the quality of the driver and makes the delivery routes more transparent. In addition, it also supports in notification related to orders, time instructions, etc. Therefore, users can evaluate the quality as well as the information to see if it is accurate or not.
  • Analyze every interaction: to identify all relevant business activities. Reports on number of orders, maximum orders per region.

4. Application technologies should have

Developing a shipping email data service by designing a Logistics app, along with that, you also have to choose a platform that suits all user needs. Typically:

  • Push Notifications – Twilio,
  • SMS, Voice and Phone Verification -Nexmo.
  • Stripe, Payments – Braintree & PayPal, EWallets
  • Mail Chimp Integration,Database – MongoDB
  • Cloud Environment – ​​AWS, Google, Azure, Real-time Analytics – Hadoop, Spark, BigData, Apache Flink, Cisco, IBM.
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