It is therefore important to score more plus points than penalty points, this will make you stand out and prevent negative experiences with customers. Or better yet: score no penalty points at all (combined with plus points).
Application on social media
How does this translate to a social media strategy? You guessed it, your organization’s absence from certain nigeria phone number list social media will be seen as a dissatisfier. You thought you were innovating? No, for most organizations, certain social channels are a must-have. Otherwise… it
Let’s combine Maslov’s model and Herzberg’s theory and apply them to Twitter. When is Twitter a . Will cost you dissatisfier and when a satisfier? And how does Twitter relate to Maslov’s pyramid? We have created a generic model that the majority of
Us should be able to recognize ourselves in
As shown in the model above, ‘existence’ and ‘structure’ are seen as dissatisfiers and are therefore aspects that industries that deal in high-value products and services customers expect from an organization. An organization that does not have its dissatisfiers in order may lose customers. How can the concepts be applied to Twitter? account (existence) . In addition, people expect clarity about the authenticity of this Twitter account. Can people trust that this Twitter account belongs to the organization? cuba leads It is therefore important that the organization sends information via Twitter that shows this (structure) .