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Carla Vliex: social media and change management within organizations

According to Srinivasan, it is necessary that these departments work together on customer interaction via social media. According to him, this is the only way to optimally interact with your customer. The problem with many organizations, however, is that social media, unlike communication channels such as telephone, e-mail and post, are not yet integrated into the CRM environment. According to Srinivasan, social media is still far too often separate greece phone number list  from all other channels.

Finally, Srinavason offers some tips and tricks for determining when to engage with customers who talk about you online:

Finding conversations that matter and respond appropriately

Determine intent – ​​Need help? Brand mentions? Shopping around?
Detect sentiment – ​​Prioritize and respond based on sentiment.
Identify customer – How important is this customer for us?
Watch Neil Srinivasan’s presentation
Social Talk: Webcare in 2011 and beyond
Our Dutch webcare guru Ronald van der Aart in a quick conversation with Eelco Lulofs, marketing manager at Cendris, and Tessel Jarigsma, director of Internet & New Media at T-Mobile:

Can you outsource webcare?

Jarigsma: ‘Outsourcing means that you are much less able to pass on the signals you pick up to the right place (read: department, manager) within your organization.’ Lulofs thinks that outsourcing webcare is possible, but does indicate that a webcare team can no longer sit in the basement of the company building listening and responding, but must be part of the customer service. And within a small company? ‘Always do it yourself!’, Jarigsma states with conviction.
How do you convince management of the importance of webcare? Lulofs: ‘Listen, monitor and see what is being said about you. And also shock management with strong messages. Then they will see the benefit of it.’

Webcare & ROI? Lulofs:

‘The ROI cannot yet be determined. It is still a learning experience Carla Vliex: social media  for everyone.’ Lulofs and Jarigsma both conclude that webcare is generally the least cost-efficient channel for customer contact. ‘But it does depend on the channel’, Jarigsma states. ‘Twitter is very inefficient when compared to telephone customer contact. Handling a customer question usually costs about 5 to 6 tweets. That is why we often refer to other channels (telephone, online fault page). But a forum – where you can reach multiple people at the same time – is often a lot more efficient.
Less or more customer contact with web? Jarigsma: ‘A new channel does not mean a shift in  the purpose of web marketing customer contact for T-Mobile. Customer contact simply increases.’ Lulofs adds that this may not be desirable from a cost jiangsu mobile phone number list  perspective, but it does offer many opportunities to reach new target groups and increase customer satisfaction.With these questions, she always reflects on the (im)possibilities of social media. And above all, she makes the listeners think.

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