Allows you to limit the display of ads to certain regions, cities or even districts. For example, a local restaurant can set up ads only for its city and the nearest suburbs. Consider the specifics of the business: for an online store with delivery canada whatsapp data throughout you to display the country, a wide coverage will be suitable, and for an offline store – a narrow radius around the point of sale.
Time targeting
Analyze when your target audience is most active. For the B2B sector, this could be working hours on weekdays, and for entertainment venues, you to display evenings and weekends. Adjust rates depending on the time of day to optimize your budget.
Demographic targeting
Includes settings for gender, age, income from one part to the whole level, and other characteristics. This is especially important for products targeted at a specific demographic group. For example, advertising for children’s products can be targeted at parents of a certain age.
Device Targeting
Allows you to select the types of devices for displaying ads: computers, tablets, mobile phones. Consider the specifics of your product and the behavior of the target audience. If your site is not optimized for mobile devices, it is lack data better to set displays only on desktops. For applications, on the contrary, focus on mobile users.
Careful setup and regular adjustment of targeting parameters will help improve the effectiveness of your advertising campaign, reduce the cost per click and increase conversion.
Bidding Strategies
Choosing the right bidding strategy can have a significant impact on the effectiveness of your advertising campaign. Let’s take a closer look at the main approaches.