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Home » Blog » 1. A startup should solve problems

1. A startup should solve problems

This is understandable, because no one wants to start a business and have it no longer be in demand in a year. You always want to have a guarantee, at least a little, but understand that in a few years the business will still develop, people will need the services and goods provided, and you will always be able to make a profit.

In this article, we will give five tips

That you can follow to choose the best market for your startup and decide what you should do.

The Optimal Market for a Startup: What, How and In What Way?
What startups are the most successful bc data thailand and relevant? As a rule, those that solve problems and satisfy people’s needs. It was back in the 80s, when one man decided to buy his wife underwear for her birthday. Since he didn’t understand anything about it, there were a lot of problems. The sellers also couldn’t help him properly, and even laughed a little at the fact that he was walking around the department with women’s underwear. It was then that the thought arose that he was not the only one facing such a problem, and not the only one who blushed, looking at and choosing women’s panties. That’s when the idea of ​​​​creating an online store was born, which we now know as Victorya’s Secret.


Course, I took a very old example, but it shows

How the most interesting and successful startups are implemented. You must understand what does not suit you, so that you can improve it, so that you can refine it. In the process of these reflections, the most interesting and promising ideas come, which can be implemented with interest.

2. Don’t reinvent the wheel

Even though the idea should be customer loyalty: why your company needs a loyalty program and 5 brands to inspire relevant afb directory and in demand, you shouldn’t reinvent the wheel. What do I mean? You don’t need to waste time, effort and money on creating a new market, on attracting customers from other niches. Believe me – it’s very difficult and will require titanic efforts and incredible financial investments. It’s better to study existing markets, understand the needs of customers, give them what other participants cannot give.


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