It is consider the revolution of online advertising – Real Time Bidding (RTB). The “traditional” display advertising, in which impressions are bought and sold in the Time Bidding also for B2B CPM model at a certain price per thousand, is consider inefficient in the industry.
Each individual impression
Has a variable value depending on the user. Real Time Bidding aims to change this by negotiating the prices of individual impressions in real time between publishers and advertisers.
Real Time Bidding is intend to bc data brazil eliminate some of the weaknesses of the current system: the often inadequate targeting options and the fact that up to Time Bidding also for B2B 70% of the available inventory lies unus. The reason for this is that supply and demand often do not match up.
Similar to Adam Smith’s theory of the invisible hand , RTB aims to create perfect competition for the benefit of all involve, placing the user at the centre of attention through efficient targeting.
RTB connects the publishers who market their inventory (advertising space), the advertisers, often represent by media agencies, who seo vs. sea: placing ads despite good ranking place user-specific ads, and finally the marketplace itself, where supply and demand meet. Examples include Google’s DoubleClick Ad Exchange, Yahoo Right Media Exchange and Microsoft Advertising Exchange.
The granularization of bids
Away from contacts per thousand and towards specific market-base prices per individual impression – works as follows: With the help of a so-call demand side platform (DSP), advertisers bid on the profile of an individual user who is on a website about a specific topic, enrich with relevant data. The bid is transmitt by the DSP to the ad server Time Bidding also for B2B (marketplace) and competes there with the bids of other advertisers. The bid that wins the auction is award the contract. The prerequisite for an efficient market is the resulting transparency, i.e. the knowledge that the participants have about the market.
The big opportunity for B2B: Due to the often very high heterogeneity of B2B target groups, real-time bidding is the way to address B2B decision-makers, B2B users and B2B influencers in a targeted manner and without wastage. With real-time bidding, campaigns can be controll more precisely and tailor to information needs. This makes campaigns more homogeneous and effective in terms of the goals. And that is the opportunity for B2B online marketing.
However, before real-time bidding can achieve its full effect in B2B , it requires good inventory, i.e. the B2B content pages on which advertising can be place. On the other hand, precise target group profiles are necessary so that display advertising/online advertising can be delivere in a target manner.
With Real Time Bidding, the B2B publisher global seo work now receives a reasonable price that corresponds to the real value of the impression. Time Bidding also for B2B publishers with very specific target groups should also now be able to market their inventory more efficiently thanks to RTB. This creates more control over advertising performance and avoids wastage.