Web Scraping to Determine the Price of Competitors

We share the usefulness of a pricing survey, in order to obtain relevant . And substantial results the sine qua non is that the questionnaire is designed and written with care and knowledge of the facts.

When defining a price it is always a good ideawe Latest Mailing Database are to check . The opinion of the reference market as well,ask my consumers. Potential or actual, what they consider to be the right . Price for that product and, even more interesting, what is . The their reserve price,  the maximum price they are willing to pay for that particular product or service.


The History of the Industry

Latest Mailing Database

  • NO to direct questions and NO to the use of the second person singular. YOU”: if the question is “How much are you willing to pay for this product?”, the answer will certainly . Be a reduced price (as happens in questions about salaries). This is because this wording triggers the association “I have to pay, if I answer zero or as little as possible I will pay less” in the reader’s head.


  • price and that’s it. Let’s not forget good manners: ive at the price question step by step, introduce the topic, ask socio-demo questions that are always needed and finally, only at the end of the questionnaire, insert the price question or questions.
  • NO open questions, at the end you can leave a notes or comments field but on the subject of price the question cannot be “How much should it cost in your opinion?” (open answer). This is because we require too much effort from the reader’s mind who at that moment may not even have a numerical reference for that product in mind.
  • YES to precise numerical references both in the question and in the answers, ie average market prices of similar or substitute products. We must not influence the answer, but we must contextualize the question and help the reader’s mind to make as little effort as possible.
  • Pricing surveys

“Knowing that a pack of wholemeal flour pasta costs €2 per kg. How much do you think a package of

  • YES to questions that explain the price as a function of perceived quality and/or  functional benefits. Something like: What is the minimum  Frist Database price for this product below which you would question the quality of the product? What is the maximum price beyond which the quality of the product no longer justifies the expense? (Source: Coursera – University of Virginia.
  • YES to more questions.

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