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Digital Transformation if the best 360-degree Digital Transaction . Management solutions are not implemented . So let’s start asking ourselves . what does this label (often summarized in the acronym DTM) encompass . A broad category of cloud services built to digitally . manage transactions based on document flows . All in a context that guarantees data security and respects the (constantly updated) regulations relating to privacy . New call-to-action In concrete terms . we are talking about . electronic transactions , document transfer .

authentication , digital signature , certifications , secure and dematerialized storage .

Already from these examples

It is clear that Digital Transaction Management solutions India Phone Number List are part of a very vast and complex field of action, which involves interrelated aspects. In this article we will focus in particular on 4 fundamental points , central to the transition towards a smart and paperless company. But, first, it is good to quickly understand the advantages that derive from the implementation of DTM systems. We do this in the next paragraph. The advantages of Digital Transaction Management We have already talked about the advantages deriving from Digital Transaction Management solutions but we think it is important to summarize the main benefits here: 1).

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Economic savings

Conservazione dei documenti fisici, quelli relativi allo Belarus Phone Number List smarrimento o al danneggiamento durante i trasferimenti, i rischi della contraffazione, quelli di fughe o perdite di dati in generale. Tutto resta sempre perfettamente tracciabile, recuperabile, verificabile, in maniera rapida e intuitiva. 4) Flessibilità e scalabilità: due caratteristiche che derivano direttamente dall’architettura in Cloud Computing su cui sono sempre costruiti i sistemi DTM. E che sono irrinunciabili per vincere le sfide dell’ecosistema odierno, così fluido e accelerato. Whitepaper – Digital preservation in the company.



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