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Home » Blog » The essence of the Delphi method

The essence of the Delphi method

This method was develop in the 1950s and 1960s to prict the impact of scientific discoveries and future technologies on military operations. The Delphi method was nam after the ancient Greek city of Delphi and the oracle who liv there. He gave prictions and advice to the god Apollo.

The research method consists of collecting independent c level executive list expert opinions on the problem at hand. The Delphi method allows you to get an objective assessment and make the right decision. It is widely us for decision-making in difficult situations or for pricting the development of events.


The Delphi method assumes that people speak individually and anonymously. Unlike, for example, the brainstorming method , where everything is decid you have two options for installing updates through discussion, all participants are known and build on each other’s ideas and statements.

Colleagues from the same company and invit specialists can participate.


The Delphi method allows you to thoroughly examine the problem and draw objective conclusions due to the fact that the method procure takes place in several stages and rounds.

Each subsequent round depends on the answers and assessments of the experts and is bas on the results of the previous one.

Correspondence course

Surveys using this method can be conduct remotely mobile lead and involve specialists from different cities or countries.

First round

The organizing group formulates the problem and conducts a survey of experts on general issues. Bas on people’s opinions, analysts create an even more specific questionnaire. Also, in the first round, analysts can ask experts to break the general topic down into subtopics themselves and create the next questionnaire bas on this data.

Second round

The analytical group starts collecting the experts’ opinions again. After each round, the organizers analyze the answers and present the conclusions to the experts. After receiving the results, they can change their initial opinions, taking into account the arguments of other experts.

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