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Freeing yourself from third-party B2B lead producers


By relying on the SEO lever and/or other different levers, these online services cultivate an economic model which is based on the sale of contacts, or the establishment of relationships with B2B prospects.

The freshness of contact files is not always up to par: incorrect email address, change of position, company, etc. We can sometimes even collect personal email addresses, or even “off-topic” contacts.

This type of intermediary of course monetizes these services. We have difficulty obtaining commitments that cover two requirements at the same time: the quality of B2B leads and the volume of qualified prospects.

In short, we do not always have the assurance of broadcasting to a qualified audience.

There is nothing better than attracting, educating and convincing the best prospects yourself on your website with full knowledge of the facts. This allows us to weed out the customers we don’t want.

Mastering professional secrecy and confidentiality

Passing on knowledge to a supplier means training them.

By delegating services, we reveal certain internal data.

There is no guarantee that anything we say cannot be used against us…

No. 12: Avoid the exploitation of our information for the benefit of competitors

Due to their independence or business models, the legitimate non-exclusivity of media, lead producers and freelance writers makes the entire team cautious and worried about sharing information externally such as:

  • our strengths versus the competition,
  • our weaknesses,
  • our upcoming launches,
  • our solutions, product or service exclusivity,
  • our customer targets,
  • etc.

Is such a service provider likely to:

  • to enter into a relationship with one or indonesia telegram data more of our competitors?
  • to offer a lead generation offer or an SEO writing service similar to the one he offers us?

Internalizing content production helps to cut off the potential exploitation of transmitted information for the benefit of competitors.

This is a real “full stop” to the discussion that generates peace and confidence, isn’t it?

#13: Flush the toilet to remove all bullshit content

We must keep our hands on everything on the web where the name of the company or that of our solutions are cited.

There are several reasons for this approach:

  • Not all media outlets are fortunate enough to deliver expert content of the same caliber as our editors,
  • Some “trash” sites talk nonsense about our sector by publishing content that is off the mark,
  • our solutions may be cited incompletely and mislead the reader-prospect,
  • Content sponsored by our competitors should not devalue us, especially if we are mentioned.

Our website is therefore the pillar of our customer acquisition: the quality of our SEO content reflects our expertise much better than any other site.

And for good reason: our team dedicated to content marketing is the best trained in the world in this expertise.

#14: Eliminate harmful SEO risks of duplicate content

There are a few pirates, charlatans and scammers of all kinds sailing on the web.

They copy and paste text here and there to pass it on to a client: this is duplicate content.

This client could be our organization.

Outsourcing missions to this type of hacker can cost much more than recruiting an internal team:

  • our site broadcasts duplicate content (hello ethics and our reputation),
  • Google may not favor our web page containing duplicate content and may penalize it by not displaying it in its search results pages,
  • we are being completely ripped off.

Internalizing content production is more efficient and more profitable in the long term: the quality, authenticity and freshness of the content stand out much better in attracting qualified traffic to our site.

Make the website profitable and increase the value of the company

This little ringing, stumbling tune will become your favorite piece.

And the more generous the content, the more likely you are to get the ultimate best of for the company!

#15: Make a profitable marketing investment

As we saw above, the value of SEO content in terms of monthly advertising purchases to attract traffic can reach a high sum.

But that’s not all: our writers regularly deliver excellent content, which continues to attract prospects to our site without investing time again. The crawler data same cannot be said for advertising…

Investing in SEO content is more profitable than advertising in the long run.

Logic :

  • When you buy and create ads for a large number of keywords, the bill becomes so high that you could melt the snow on the road,
  • When we invest intelligently in SEO content by covering our business topic regularly and in depth, it becomes easier and less expensive to position our web pages in Google.

To caricature: the investment is only made once, whereas with advertising, you have to invest all the time.

Here is a small diagram to compare costs over time:


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