The site not only provides product information, but also tips on how to use the products in the right situations, the daily lives of the staff, and other features that make the shop and products feel more familiar to people. By providing this positive information, Tsuchiya Bag Manufacturing is able to create added value for its products.
If branding can provide a satisfying purchasing experience, you can attract repeat customers and achieve stable sales.
This is an owned media of Ryohin Keikaku Co., Ltd., which develops MUJI. It delivers interesting content for reading, such as trivia about clothing, food, and chinese student data household goods, and essays related to daily life. A distinctive feature is its efforts to close the gap between customers and the company, such as accepting requests for new products and having staff respond directly to them.
At the Quality Lifestyle Research Institute
We don’t just explain individual products, we also offer total lifestyle suggestions. Through columns and other means, customers can positively imagine their life after purchasing the product, which leads to increased purchasing motivation.
[BtoB/BtoC Educational Type] Money Forward Bizpedia
This is an owned media of Money Forward, Inc., which provides financial web services. It publishes articles on a wide range of accounting topics, targeting a wide range of people from individuals to companies. It is structured to easily acquire leads, as it extracts each person’s concerns and directs them to white papers.
Money Forward Bizpedia features experience-based articles, where 12 ways to attract customers to visit your website the writers actually try out the services and procedures and write reviews, providing users with more reliable information.
What is required in web marketin
g is to attract more customers and lead them to purchases. If you are not seeing results, it is effective to learn tips from success stories.
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