Search engine optimization has been around since the birth of search engines in 1990. Since 1998 at the latest and with the growth of the number of Google users, SEO has taken on a new meaning. However, mistakes and bad marks in the ranking must be avoided!
SEO is a constant topic in B2B online marketing
SEO is constantly being written about in traditional specialist media/print media as well as in online media, blogs and forums. Everyone who bc data indonesia deals optimization mistakes intensively with B2B SEO is probably familiar with the typical mistakes.
The following Flop 10 list shows SEO errors that we encounter every day in SEO practice. Consider the list as a suggestion for how SEO should be approached in B2B companies.
Performing search engine optimization without a coordinated keyword and content strategy. Focusing SEO on too many keywords.
Insufficient budgeting for content creation. Inadequate allocation of resources to staff and agencies.
Lack of monitoring of keyword rankings. Insufficient involve recipients focus of SEO activities on top keywords.
No differentiation between SEO-relevant keywords and search terms for search engine advertising such as Google AdWords and Yahoo!/Bing.
Unsatisfactory use of opportunities to improve optimization mistakes threshold keywords in the top 5, top 10 and top 20 in the search engine index.
One-time improvement in the keyword
Density of product pages without constant monitoring and optimization.
Insufficient content relevance. Website global seo work content is not up to date compared to competitor sites.
Building many backlinks without reference to the linked target page. Using content aggregators and link directories for backlinks.
Commenting in forums, blogs and Twitter just to generate backlinks without observing etiquette and no-follow rules.
Poor distribution of backlinks between the homepage and relevant subpages. Disregard for the relevance between keyword and backlink.
Conclusion: SEO today is more than just on-page optimization mistakes of the website. Top rankings cannot be achieved without off-page measures. This has been the case for many years. What is new is that not only relevant, but also up-to-date content and its distribution play a critical role in SEO success.
But social media marketing must also be taken into account in current and future SEO measures. Working through an SEO checklist and having a good keyword density and promising backlinks are no longer enough. SEO success is increasingly influenced by a content and social media strategy!