Contextual targeting has been considered an alternative to behavioral singapore whatsapp number data targeting for many years. But is it really necessary to consider these two targeting strategies as alternatives to each other?
efore answering this how to evaluate a speech analytics solution question, let’s look at the main characteristics of each model in order to fully understand the interest of adopting a hybrid approach.
Contextual Targeting:
Contextual targeting is a bf leads targeting strategy that allows you to create vertical target audiences based on specific content. Unlike traditional methods that rely on user data and cookies. ontextual targeting allows you to evaluate the context and topic of a web page to determine the most relevant ads.
So, for example, if a user views an article on a cooking blog, contextual targeting will allow the blog to display ads for related products or services, such as utensils or appliances, rather than cooking
- Contextual keyword targeting : This involves targeting ads based on specific keywords in content or search queries.
- Category Contextual Targeting : In this case, ads are displayed based on the content category itself. Advertisers define topic categories that are relevant to their products and services, and then ads appear on pages that fall into the categories you choose.
To simplify, a contextual targeting process therefore involves several steps. T
>Once the content has been associated with the categories. The ads are associated with the categories themselves, and then the first ones are placed on the most relevant pages.
Behavioral Targeting: The Importance of Knowing Your Audience Deeply
Collecting data and information about users and customers across company properties is the first step in an effective behavioral targeting strat
egy. Which, as the name suggests, involves profiling and segmenting your audience based. On browsing and purchasing behavior data.
>Unlike demographic targeting.