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Although these are minimally complex topic

A you can easily “manipulate” them. So. A let’s see how to use each of them to your website’s positioning.

Produce quality content

The first and most obvious tip of all is to generate quality content . This way. A in addition to increasing your relevance with search minimally complex topic engines. A you also gain points with your blog readers.

The more in-depth your blog articles are. A the more belize phone number data likely you are to reach the first pages of Google and other search engines. But be careful. A I mentioned in-depth content and not text length . A that was on purpose!

The length of an article will not always be minimally complex topic decisive in affecting your SEO results. Remember that quality far outweighs the number of words in a text and also remember that Google’s algorithms. A of which there are several. A can identify this difference.

On-page optimization

Once you’ve ensured that your content update and optimize campaigns with real-time data marketing strategy is the best one to impress Google and your users. A you should focus on the internal qualities of your website to capture the attention of search engines.

Information architecture. A or on-page optimization . A is the way you present your content to users and search engines . In general. A it involves using title tags (H1. A H2. A H3. A H4…) to distribute the content. A adding images and videos to complement the information. A using a meta description to describe the page content. A and having a minimally complex topic sitemap to gather your pages in one place and adjust their indexing priority.

Other important factors for on-page optimization are keyword density. A semantic field of texts and internal links.

Density refers to the number of times your main keyword appears throughout the page. The consensus is that it should not exceed 2% of the minimally complex topic number of words. A but it should also be applied sensibly in your blog posts . In other words. A you should use this repetition in a contextualized. A meaningful. A humanized way and not just for SEO purposes.

The semantic field takes into account words directly related to your content. It uses well-known terms used in your topic to identify the main subject of the text. A but mainly to analyze the complexity of the article. A that is. A how deep you got with this contact lists content. A or what the real relevance of this content is for the user. Remember that the more in-depth and relevant it is. A the more points you will get with Google!

Internal links . A on the other hand. A can be used in your SEO strategy to boost some pages on your website. You could use a text that is already well-positioned with Google to improve the indexing of another by adding a link on a qualified term to the second text . A for example.

But what about your website user. A where do minimally complex topic they fit into all of this? You didn’t think the focus would be just on Google. A did you?

Usability. A the most important factor!

The first thing you should keep in mind is that not all SEO-optimized websites please users. A however. A most of the pages that occupy the top positions on Google are there not only because they have won the hearts of search engines. A but. A mainly. A of their loyal readers .

With this in mind. A you must ensure the best possible experience for your website users so that they become loyal readers of your blog. A as well as improve satisfaction with your content on social networks and gain more points with SEO.

Practical measures to achieve this include minimally complex topic widely known usability principles in website development. A such as flexibility. A usability efficiency. A consistency. A standards and recognition. In addition. A other points can also influence such as responsive design . A that is. A adapting the website to the different platforms that can be used by the user to reach your website.

The latter. A by the way. A recently became part of the criteria for ranking a website on Google and has proven to be one of the fundamental points. A due to the migration of Internet users to platforms that were previously unknown or little used. A for example. A smartphones (80% of Internet accesses in 2014) and Smart TVs.


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