To achieve your business goals, whether it’s getting top positions in SERPs, increasing organic traffic, or improving your organic revenue, it’s important to define your roadmap to achieve your goals. You need to create an SEO strategy.
There is often confusion between “strategy” and “tactics,” and many people mistakenly think that a strategy is a compilation of tactics. This is wrong. A good SEO strategy helps you identify the big picture. A solid strategy will help you answer these questions:
Where are you now?
- Where should you go?
- How are you going to do this?
There are also three key aspects of your strategy to consider when planning:
- The deadlines
- The budget
- Resources
Each of these elements can impact your strategy and should be considered alongside your plan to achieve the goals you have set.
We’re going to walk you through a proven iraq telegram data process you can follow to get started. Our 11-step guide to SEO strategy covers:
Evaluate your current SEO performance
2. Analyze your competitors’ SEO strategies
3. Define your goals and KPIs
4. Define your primary keywords and pillar pages
6. Check your site’s existing content
7. Create your topic groups
8. Configure your On-Page SEO Checker properly
9. Find and fix technical SEO issues
10. Master Off-site SEO
11. Analyze and refine your strategy
Start your keyword research
with Keyword Magic Tool
A Complete Guide to Creating an Effective SEO Strategy in 2021
When it comes to building an effective SEO the questions asked around your main themes strategy, it can be helpful to have a process to follow. While you should definitely tailor this document to your business, it’s a great starting point to get you on the right track and start thinking about where to focus.
Below is a proven 11-step process that will help you create a strategy to put you on the path to success.
1. Evaluate your current SEO performance
If you don’t know how your site is currently crawler data performing, it’s nearly impossible to develop a plan to move to the next level.
Therefore, developing your strategy should start with a comparative analysis of your current performance. As a basis, you should compare performance at the following points:
- Organic visibility
- Keyword Rankings
Use Semrush’s Organic Research tool to gather this information to help you build your strategy.
You’ll find your current (and historical) organic visibility displayed under “Estimated Traffic Trend” under the “Traffic” tab of the General Dashboard. You can also see the breakdown of branded vs. non-branded traffic under this same view.